সোমবার, ৩১ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Blasts aimed at Iraqi Shiites, police kill 23

BAGHDAD (AP) ? Insurgents launched a wave of attacks across Iraq on Monday, primarily targeting Shiite communities and pilgrims and killing at least 23 people, officials said.

The attacks appeared aimed at undermining security and confidence in the government by fomenting sectarian conflict. Overall violence has dropped since the nation neared a civil war several years ago, but attacks of a sectarian nature come almost daily, and government forces seem powerless to prevent them.

The deadliest blasts on Monday were in the town of Musayyib, about 60 kilometers (40 miles) south of the capital, where militants planted bombs around two houses, one belonging to a police officer. Two women, two children and three men were killed in the pre-dawn explosions, a police officer said.

In Baghdad's Shiite neighborhood of Karrada, a parked car bomb went off next to a tent for Shiite pilgrims making their way to the southern city of Karbala to mark the seventh century death of the Prophet Muhammad's grandson, Imam Hussein, a police officer said. Five were killed and 25 wounded, he said.

The explosion rattled nearby buildings and sent a thick plume of black smoke billowing into the air. Ambulances and police rushed to the scene in the busy downtown shopping district, and several helicopters hovered above.

That came hours after a parked car bomb exploded in a busy street in the city of Hillah where local government offices are located, killing three people and wounding 21, another police officer said. He said some Shiite pilgrims were among the casualties, but he didn't say how many. Hillah is about 95 kilometers (60 miles) south of Baghdad.

Two other Shiite pilgrims were killed and 16 wounded in the town of Khalis, 80 kilometers (50 miles) north of Baghdad, when two bombs exploded simultaneously, another police officer said. In the town of Latifiyah, about 30 kilometers (20 miles) south of Baghdad, one pilgrim was killed and 11 wounded when two mortar rounds exploded nearby, another police officer said.

Six doctors confirmed the casualty figures. All officials spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to release information to reporters.

Also Monday, four policemen were killed in the northern city of Kirkuk while trying to defuse a bomb the center of the city, according to police Col. Taha Salaheddin. Kirkuk is 290 kilometers (180 miles) north of Baghdad. The city is a focus of a power struggle among several sects and the Baghdad government.

Another a policeman was killed when a bomb hit a police convoy in the town of Tuz Khormato, 210 kilometers (130 miles) north of Baghdad, said the provincial spokesman of Salahuddin province, Mohammed al-Asi.

Although violence has ebbed since the height of the insurgency in the past, some groups presumed to be primarily Sunni extremists are still able to launch deadly attacks nationwide against government officials or civilians.

Shiite pilgrims are one of their favorite targets. Each year, hundreds of thousands converge on the southern city of Karbala where the Imam Hussein, an important figure in Shiite Islam, is buried. Many travel on foot, and the mass gatherings are frequently attacked, despite tight security.


Associated Press writers Qassim Abdul-Zahra and Adam Schreck contributed to his report.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blasts-aimed-iraqi-shiites-police-kill-23-142518107.html

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George Washington Carver was gay now? What else is the Toronto School Board lying to your kids about?

If you send your children to a Toronto public school, you are guilty of abuse and neglect.

My husband discovers another outrageous ?lesson plan? at the TDSB:

The TDSB chose to participate in the lie about Carver?s sexual orientation because fellow zealots included Carver on the ?Blacklist?, an index of allegedly Gay Black individuals. There is not an ounce of evidence to back up their claim. Even the TDSB admits this but still includes him in their propaganda. Now That?s Racist.

Update- The only copy of the Blacklist we could locate ? does not contain Carver?s name! Now that is despicable!

Source: http://www.fivefeetoffury.com/2012/12/30/george-washington-carver-was-gay-now-what-else-is-the-toronto-school-board-lying-to-your-kids-about/

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Improving play: Council OK with upgrades at golf course

The Rowlett Golf Advisory Board is always looking for ways to improve the Waterview Golf Course. Last year the committee made several recommendations that have since been implemented. The changes were made to improve the playability of the course.

The advisory board, represented by Larry Glick, presented five recommended changes to the city council for 2013 during its regular work session on Tuesday, Dec. 18.

We are changing the golf course to hopefully make it a destination course, Glick said.

The changes presented by Glick were to enclose the pavilion area of the clubhouse, add a pond on hole No. 2, modify the tee boxes on hole No. 18, add additional trees and to repair settled sprinkler trenches throughout the course.

These projects are great. We need to do what we can do to get it done. We could keep our golf course normal or make it exceptional. I think this city deserves exceptional, said Todd Gottel, Rowlett Mayor.

The city council was in agreement that enclosing the clubhouse pavilion would be a huge benefit to the course and a positive thing for the community.

Its really a beautiful site as you sit in the clubhouse, Glick said.

Glick said the pond on hole No. 2 was something the advisory committee suggested last year but decided against pursuing it due to drought restrictions that were in place at the time. The drought restrictions have since been lifted so the board brought the recommendation back to the council.

They know how to do it its just a matter of getting it done, Glick said.

The change to the tee box on hole No. 18 was recommended to ensure the safety of homeowners in the area. By moving the tee box it will aim the golf balls further to the left and away from the homes located to the right of the hole.

Brian Funderburk, assistant city manager, said the city staff was in agreement that all of the changes would improve the course but believed repairing the sprinkler trenches should be done by American Golf as part of the citys maintenance agreement.

If its in the contract then they need to fix this, said Lynda Humble, city manager.

Funderburk said he is meeting with American Golf at the course on Friday to discuss the issue.

There is expected to be approximately $200,000 available from golf course revenue to fund the projects.

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Source: http://www.lakeshoretimes.com/articles/2012/12/30/rowlett_lakeshore_times/news/1636.txt

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Holidays bring an increase in abandoned, returned pets : News ...

Read?more: Local, Health, Community, News, Pet Adoptions, Perfect Cat or Dog to Give to a Loved One, Care for their Animal, Quincy Humane Society, Increase in Owners Returning Animals, Increase in Abandoned Animals, Lindsey Klobe, Doesn't Recommend Pets as Gifts, Not Everyone Understands the Commitment, Pets are a Committment, Pets Lifetime, Pets Live a Long Time, Dogs Live 10 15 Years, Cats can Live 20 Years, Receive an Animal as a Gift, Quincy Humane Society Adopts out more than Twelve Hundred Animals a Year

Pet adoptions are very popular during the holiday season ... with many people looking for the perfect cat or dog to give to a loved one. But it's important you know that person will be able to really care for their animal.

Staff at the Quincy Humane Society say these next few weeks will see an increase in owners returning their animals or simply abandoning them.

Lindsey Klobe says she doesn't recommend pets as gifts because not everyone understands it's a commitment for the animal's lifetime.

A dog's lifetime can span 10-15 years while a cat can live 20 years.

"When you receive an animal as a gift, that's not always something that comes across. So, we always hesitate a little bit when people say they want to gift an animal for somebody. We just try our best to make them understand that it's a commitment," Klobe said.

The Quincy Humane Society adopts out more than 1,200 animals a year.

Lindsey Klobe says the portion of returns is a small percentage of that.

Source: http://www.connecttristates.com/news/story.aspx?id=842138

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রবিবার, ৩০ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Countdown to London: Princess 52

We continue our series on the most exciting launches at the London Boat Show with the Princess 52

The 52 is one of the most important new models in a flurry of recent Princess launches. It takes over from the 50, a boat that set a benchmark in this sector of the market, with its heady blend of grace, pace and living space.
The 52 is off to a flying start with its revised hull shape, which has a deep forefoot and a variable geometry deadrise.

In effect, this means slightly flatter aft sections, for faster planing at lower speeds. In fact, according to Princess, the 52 will be one of the most efficient boats in its class.

Princess has chosen to move the galley up onto the main deck, just inside the cockpit doors. Even though it's inside, the galley area has teak flooring to give it a real outdoor vibe and a strong connection to the cockpit when the aft doors are open.

The location of the galley is ideal for serving the deck spaces but it is also in close proximity to the dual purpose lounge/dining area in the forward section of the saloon.

Below decks the layout is exactly the same as the larger 56 just on a slightly smaller scale. The master is transformed by Princess's stunning one-piece hull windows and both this cabin and the VIP forward get generous ensuite bathrooms.

The twin guest cabin shares the VIP ensuite, just a small hop across the hallway.

The entry-level Volvo Penta D9 575hp engines should mean a top speed of 27 knots while the optional Caterpillar C12 715hp units will push the 52 just over the magic 30-knot barrier to an estimated top speed of 31 knots.


Length: 54ft 8in (16.66m)
Beam: 15ft 7in (4.75m)
Engines: Twin Volvo Penta D9 575hp
Top speed: 31 knots (Twin CAT 715hp)
Price from: ?679,800 inc UK VAT

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Source: http://www.mby.com/external/article/533315/countdown-to-london-princess-52

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শনিবার, ২৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

6 ways to optimize your retirement portfolio

9 hrs.

CHICAGO --?You may be waiting to optimize your retirement portfolio, thinking that you should know what's going on in Washington and Europe before you act.

However, there are some changes you can set in motion right now that could make a big difference down the road regardless of what happens with the fiscal cliff, tax changes and Wall Street:

1. Boost your contribution rate
The longer you wait to contribute, the greater return you will need to achieve your goals. Thanks to the compounding effect, the more your contribute, the more you can accumulate when dividends and appreciation are added.

Raise it as much as you can because even incremental changes make a huge difference over time. Let's say you're 35, make $75,000 annually and contribute 6 percent with a 100-percent employer match. You start with $50,000 in your account now. If you just bump your contribution rate to 7 percent, your balance in 30 years would rise from $1.6 million to nearly $1.8 million, according to 401kcalculator.org. In any case, you always want to take advantage of the employer match, because it's free money.

2. Align your allocation to your age
Generally, the older you are, the more fixed-income you need -- roughly matching your bond or guaranteed investment contract portion to your age. Let's say you're 30 and you can afford to take market risk. You'd want 30 percent in bonds and 70 percent in stocks. A 60-year-old, conversely, would consider a 40 percent stocks, 60 percent fixed-income mix.

Target-date or "lifestyle" funds can do this for you, but you have to check their allocations the closer you get to retirement to see if you're comfortable with the stock mix. They are all slightly different.

3. Don't worry too much about taxes now, but have a tax plan in mind.
While it's hard to tell what Congress will do with the fiscal cliff dilemma, no one has talked about eliminating the tax break for 401(k)-type plan contributions, which are not subject to federal taxes. You can contribute up to $17,500 in 2013; another $5,500 for those over 50 or for individual retirement accounts.

Concerned about taxes down the road? That's reasonable. Consider a contribution to a Roth IRA or Roth 401(k). The contributions are taxable, although the withdrawals are not if you hold money in these accounts for at least five years past age 59 ?.

4. Lower expenses to boost return
Surprisingly, low-cost index funds accounted for only 30 percent of the assets in top-rated 401(k) plans surveyed by Brightscope for 2012. Every retirement plan should have index funds to cover U.S. and international stocks, bonds and real estate.

Here's what you can do if you don't already have that setup: You probably received a notice earlier this year detailing how much each investment option is costing you. If any of your individual funds cost more than 0.75 percent annually, you should pick a different one.

If you don't have enough options in your company plan, you can ask your employer to find cheaper index funds, which are available for as low as 0.06 percent annually. If you do this, you will easily boost your plan's performance without changing the risk profile or allocation, and it will also pay you back every year in the form of a higher net return.

5. Buy constantly and hold
Most people time the market badly. The best time to buy stocks is during the dips. Most investors can't stomach this idea, though. At the end of 2008, when stocks were really cheap, 401(k) investors only had 37 percent allocated to stocks, and at the end of the dot-com bubble in 2002, investors had 40 percent in stocks, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI).

What you should do is invest during good times and bad. You have no idea when bull and bear markets are going to start or stop. So if you can afford to take the risk, take advantage of the compounding over time.

6. Cut back on your employer's stock
This could be the most dangerous holding in your portfolio, concentrating a great deal of risk in one company. While you may feel a need to be loyal to your employer, it's not in your best interests. You'd be better off diversifying.

Look at what you sectors you don't have represented in your portfolio. Asset classes that are typically under-represented include real estate investment trusts, inflation-protected bonds and global stocks/bonds. Fortunately, only 8 percent of those surveyed by EBRI hold company stock. If this is still a major holding in your portfolio, make some changes. This also applies to holding single stocks.?

Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/business/6-ways-optimize-your-retirement-portfolio-2013-1C7753897

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Cute! Taylor & Harry Double Date with Selena & Justin

When Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber hit the slopes in Utah before Christmas, they weren't alone. It turns out that Taylor Swift and her One Direction boyfriend Harry Styles also joined them in what can only be called the most epic musical double date of all time.

Source: http://www.ivillage.com/taylor-harry-double-date-selena-justin/1-a-511533?dst=iv%3AiVillage%3Ataylor-harry-double-date-selena-justin-511533

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শুক্রবার, ২৮ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Obama's controversial EPA administrator Jackson announces resignation

WASHINGTON (AP) ? EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, the Obama administration's chief environmental watchdog, is stepping down after a nearly four years marked by high-profile brawls over global warming pollution, the Keystone XL oil pipeline, new controls on coal-fired plants and several other hot-button issues that affect the nation's economy and people's health.

Jackson constantly found herself caught between administration pledges to solve thorny environmental problems and steady resistance from Republicans and industrial groups who complained that the agency's rules destroyed jobs and made it harder for American companies to compete internationally.

The GOP chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan, said last year that Jackson would need her own parking spot at the Capitol because he planned to bring her in so frequently for questioning. Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney called for her firing, a stance that had little downside during the GOP primary.

Jackson, 50, the agency's first black administrator and a chemical engineer, did not point to any particular reason for her departure. Historically, Cabinet members looking to move on will leave at the beginning of a president's second term.

"I will leave the EPA confident the ship is sailing in the right direction, and ready in my own life for new challenges, time with my family and new opportunities to make a difference," she said in a statement. Jackson will leave sometime after President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union address, typically in late January.

In a separate statement, Obama said Jackson has been "an important part of my team." He thanked her for serving and praised her "unwavering commitment" to the public's health.

"Under her leadership, the EPA has taken sensible and important steps to protect the air we breathe and the water we drink, including implementing the first national standard for harmful mercury pollution, taking important action to combat climate change under the Clean Air Act and playing a key role in establishing historic fuel economy standards that will save the average American family thousands of dollars at the pump, while also slashing carbon pollution," he said.

Environmental activist groups and other supporters lauded Jackson for the changes she was able to make, but industry representatives said some may have come at an economic cost. Groups also noted that she leaves a large, unfinished agenda.

"There has been no fiercer champion of our health and our environment than Lisa Jackson, and every American is better off today than when she took office nearly four years ago," said Frances Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council. But she noted that Jackson's successor will inherit an unfinished agenda, including the need to issue new health protections against carbon pollution from existing power plants.

Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., chairman of the Senate's subcommittee on clean air, called Jackson's tenure a "breath of fresh air" and credited her for setting historic fuel economy standards for cars and trucks, and for finalizing clean air standards.

But Scott Segal, director of the Electric Reliability Coordinating Council, said Jackson presided over some of the most expensive environmental rules in EPA history.

"Agency rules have been used as blunt attempts to marginalize coal and other solid fossil fuels and to make motor fuels more costly at the expense of industrial jobs, energy security, and economic recovery," Segal said. "The record of the agency over the same period in overestimating benefits to major rules has not assisted the public in determining whether these rules have been worth it."

Other environmental groups, however, praised Jackson's clean air efforts.

"Notwithstanding the difficult economic and political challenges EPA faced, her agency was directly responsible for saving the lives of tens of thousands of Americans and improving the health of millions throughout the country," said S. William Becker of the National Association of Clean Air Agencies. "She will be sorely missed."

Larry Schweiger, head of the National Wildlife Federation, cited her climate change work and efforts to reduce carbon pollution.

Environmental groups had high expectations for the Obama administration after eight years of President George W. Bush, a Texas oilman who rebuffed agency scientists and refused act on climate change. Jackson came into office promising a more active EPA.

But she soon learned that changes would not occur as quickly as she had hoped. Jackson watched as a Democratic-led effort to reduce global warming emissions passed the House in 2009 but was then abandoned by the Senate as economic concerns became the priority. The concept behind the bill, referred to as cap-and-trade, would have established a system where power companies bought and sold pollution rights.

"That's a revolutionary message for our country," Jackson said at a Paris conference shortly after accepting the job.

Jackson experienced another big setback last year when the administration scrubbed a clean-air regulation aimed at reducing health-threatening smog. Republican lawmakers had been hammering the president over the proposed rule, accusing him of making it harder for companies to create jobs.

She also vowed to better control toxic coal ash after a massive spill in Tennessee, but that regulation has yet to be finalized more than four years after the spill.

Jackson had some victories, too. During her tenure, the administration finalized a new rule doubling fuel efficiency standards for cars and light trucks. The requirements will be phased in over 13 years and eventually require all new vehicles to average 54.5 mpg, up from 28.6 mpg at the end of last year.

She shepherded another rule that forces power plants to control mercury and other toxic pollutants for the first time. Previously, the nation's coal- and oil-fired power plants had been allowed to run without addressing their full environmental and public health costs.

Jackson also helped persuade the administration to table the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, which would have brought carbon-heavy tar sands oil from Canada to refineries in Texas.

House Republicans dedicated much of their time this past election year trying to rein in the EPA. They passed a bill seeking to thwart regulation of the coal industry and quash the stricter fuel efficiency standards. In the end, though, the bill made no headway in the Senate. It served mostly as election-year fodder that appeared to have little impact on the presidential race.


Associated Press writers Lolita C. Baldor and Pauline Jelinek contributed to this report.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/epa-administrator-jackson-announces-resignation-150922263.html

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Video: Nelson Mandela released from hospital

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Clippers roll past Celtics 106-77

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Matt Barnes tied his season high with 21 points off the bench, Chris Paul had 11 assists and the Los Angeles Clippers defeated Boston 106-77 on Thursday night, becoming the first team to win 15 consecutive games since the Celtics four years ago.

Fellow reserve Jamal Crawford added 17 points, Blake Griffin had 15 points and Caron Butler 14 to help the Clippers improve the NBA's best record to 23-6.

Kevin Garnett scored 16 points for Boston, which never led in dropping to .500 at 14-14 with its fifth loss in seven games. Paul Pierce and Jeff Green added 12 points each to go with 10 apiece from Jason Terry and Rajon Rondo.

Boston's winning streak extended to 19 games in 2008-09.

Barnes had the Clippers' first five points in a 9-0 run that opened the fourth quarter and boosted their lead to 90-67. Willie Green briefly played; otherwise the Clippers' other starters rested to close out the game.

The Celtics were held to 10 points in the final 12 minutes.

Garnett had six points in the third when the Celtics were narrowly outscored 22-20, but still trailed 82-67. The Clippers' 9-0 run pushed their lead to 21 points before Boston went on a 10-4 run, including 3-pointers by Courtney Lee and Rondo to end the quarter.

The game got chippy at times. In the third, Jared Sullinger was called for a flagrant-1 foul for grabbing the front of Griffin on his way up to dunk. Then Butler and Pierce emerged from a big mass both holding onto the ball, leading to a jump ball. In the first, Rondo was lying on the ball and Paul tried to take it out from under him on the sideline, leading to a testy moment.

The Celtics cut their deficit to four points early in the second quarter ? the closest they came after the opening quarter ? with consecutive 3-pointers by Terry and Lee before the Clippers' second unit rebuilt the double-digit lead the starters had created. Crawford scored 13 points for Los Angeles, highlighted by a fast-break floater and a rainbow 3. He scored the final four points to keep the Clippers ahead 60-47 heading into halftime.

The Clippers came roaring out of the opening tip, outscoring the Celtics 24-9.

NOTES: The Clippers are assured of finishing December as their best month ever with two games remaining, including the second half of a back-to-back at Utah. They've already surpassed the franchise record for most wins in a month, bettering the old mark of 12 shared by the 1974-75 Buffalo Braves and the 1991-92 Clippers (which included Celtics coach Doc Rivers). ... Boston fell to 5-9 on the road. ... The Clippers' last loss was on Nov. 26 at home against New Orleans. ... Justin Bieber (who had Paul's young son sitting on his lap), Billy Crystal and Olympic 200 sprint champion Allyson Felix were among the Clippers' 67th consecutive sellout crowd.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/clippers-roll-past-celtics-106-77-062716724--spt.html

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