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Face-to-face negotiations favor the powerful

Apr. 9, 2013 ? If you are negotiating with someone who has more power than you it is a good idea to avoid face-to-face meetings.

That is the conclusion of research presented today, Wednesday 10 April 2013, by Michael Taylor from Imperial College London at the Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society in Harrogate.

Michael Taylor and his fellow researchers conducted two studies in which the same negotiation was conducted face-to-face and in a sophisticated 3D virtual simulation. In the first study 74 people took part in a two-sided negotiation in which one party had more power than the other. In the second, 63 people conducted a three-sided negotiation where they were playing the part of people at different levels in a hierarchy.

The results of the first study showed that the side with less power did better in the virtual negotiations than the face-to-face ones. In the second study, the least powerful side outperformed the other two in the virtual negotiations but not in the face-to-face ones.

Michael Taylor says: "It looks as though it is a good idea for less powerful parties to negotiate from remote locations rather than face-to-face. When people negotiate from further apart, it affects their whole way of thinking. This can mean the contextual details of the negotiations, such as power hierarchies, have less impact on the outcome. This has implications for team negotiation and shared decision-making in the workplace."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by British Psychological Society (BPS), via AlphaGalileo.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/living_well/~3/hIWwM4yMBBc/130409211857.htm

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'Friendly' Lone Star suspect harbored stabbing fantasies

Lone Star College student Dylan Quick was arrested Tuesday after allegedly stabbing more than a dozen students, and authorities are now saying he had been planning the attack for a long time, having "had fantasies of stabbing people" since he was "in elementary school." NBC's Jay Gray reports.

By Elizabeth Chuck, Staff Writer, NBC News

Faculty members at his college said he got good grades. His co-workers at the local library had kind words to say about him. Neighbors remembered him as a friendly kid growing up.

When Dylan Quick, the suspect in Tuesday?s stabbing spree at Lone Star College in Texas, was arrested, it came as a shock to seemingly everybody who knew him ? or thought that they knew him.

?He has shared with us that he has had fantasies about stabbing people since the age of 8,? Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia told reporters at a news conference on Wednesday about Quick. ?He has been planning this event for some time.?

The stabbings at Lone Star, located in the Houston suburb of Cyprus, occurred Tuesday morning just after 11 a.m. Garcia said investigators believe the victims were randomly selected, and said a ?razor utility knife? made by X-acto was used in the attacks.

It?s unclear what caused Quick to allegedly plan and execute the attack that led to 14 of his classmates being wounded.

"There are no signs that he was a problem student," Dr. Audre Levy, president of Lone Star College's CyFair campus, said at Wednesday's news conference. "I do know that he worked in the library, and the library staff had very fond things to say about him."

His next-door neighbor in Houston, Michael Lincoln, told The Houston Chronicle that Quick always struck him as a ?very friendly kid.? But he said that he is ?real quiet and keeps to himself.?

He told the paper that just last week, Quick helped him pull down a branch that had fallen on his roof. Other neighbors also described him as polite and helpful.

According to The Chronicle, Quick was born hearing-impaired, and went to a mainstream school in Houston until 2004, and then was home-schooled.

Handout / Harris County Sheriff's Office via Reuters

Garcia said on Wednesday that authorities hadn?t found any evidence that Quick had been bullied. He had worked in the town?s public library for a year and was just featured in his school?s ?student spotlight? blog on April 1, which said Quick was also in a book club. The blog has since been taken down, but screenshots captured by KPRC.com, NBC?s affiliate in Houston, show that Quick had big plans for his future, according to the profile: to transfer to the University of Houston after getting his associate?s degree from Lone Star, and eventually pursuing a career in accounting.

Authorities apprehended Quick ? a 20-year-old with curly, red-hair ? shortly after the stabbings were reported from inside the health science building at the school?s CyFair campus.

The entire incident only lasted "a couple of minutes. That's how fast it happened," Garcia said.

Inside Quick?s backpack, investigators found another precision knife that wasn?t used in the attack, he said.

Investigators described Quick as matter-of-fact during their questioning.

Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia said in a press conference that the Lone Star Community College stabbing suspect had fantasized about stabbing people since the age of eight and that he had planned the event for "some time."

"He has been very forthcoming," Garcia said.

Quick has been charged with three counts of aggravated assault. He was ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation on Wednesday. A spokesperson for the Harris County district attorney told NBC News his family had hired an attorney for him. Investigators executed a search warrant on Quick's house, confiscating his computer and other items to try to get an idea of what may have prompted him to allegedly plan the attack.

All of the victims in the attack are expected to recover.

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Source: http://feeds.nbcnews.com/c/35002/f/653381/s/2a9162ba/l/0Lusnews0Bnbcnews0N0C0Inews0C20A130C0A40C10A0C17688310A0Efriendly0Elone0Estar0Esuspect0Eharbored0Estabbing0Efantasies0Dlite/story01.htm

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China finds bird flu in five new sites: OIE

PARIS (Reuters) - China found new cases of bird flu in five live bird markets in the eastern part of the country, a report posted on the website of the World Animal Health Organisation OIE showed on Wednesday.

China said the H7N9 avian influenza virus was found on Wednesday in three live bird markets in Jiangsu province, one in Anhui province and one in Zhejiang province, the report said. It did not specify in what kind of birds the virus was found.

The three previous outbreaks reported last week were all in China's financial hub Shanghai.

Nine people have died out of 33 confirmed human cases of the virus, according to data from the National Health and Family Planning Commission on Wednesday.

The latest H7N9 victim was from Anhui province, the official Xinhua news agency said. Among the new cases are several from Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, at least one of whom is dangerously ill, it said.

Reports submitted by China's farm ministry to the OIE last week showed that the first case of H7N9 in birds was found on April 4 on a pigeon destined for human consumption in a wholesale market in Shanghai.

Authorities also discovered seven infected chickens in the same market, which lead to the culling of 20,536 poultry in total.

The next day, one infected chicken was found at the Jingchuan market in Shanghai, and two chickens and two pigeons were discovered at the Fengzhuang market, also in Shanghai, reports showed.

Member countries of the OIE have the obligation to declare bird flu cases when found in domestic animals, or when they are highly pathogenic, which is not the case in this instance.

For details of the new outbreaks: http://www.oie.int/wahis_2/public/wahid.php/Reviewreport/Review?reportid=13249

A worker carries a cage to catch pigeons at the People's Square as a precautionary measure against bird flu in Shanghai on Saturday April 6, 2013. Shanghai has reported two more cases of human ... more? A worker carries a cage to catch pigeons at the People's Square as a precautionary measure against bird flu in Shanghai on Saturday April 6, 2013. Shanghai has reported two more cases of human infection of a new strain of bird flu, raising the number of cases in eastern China to 20. Six of the people who contracted the virus have died. (AP Photo) CHINA OUT less? ?

(This story has been refiled to fix a typo in the lead)

(Reporting by Sybille de La Hamaide; Editing by Muriel Boselli and Michael Roddy)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/china-finds-bird-flu-five-sites-oie-165156820.html

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Stocks rise; Dow hits another record

Stocks rose on Wall Street Tuesday with the Dow Jones industrial average closing at another record high.?Materials and energy stocks led the gains following a surge in prices for commodities like copper.

By Steve Rothwell,?AP Markets Writer / April 9, 2013

Trader Luigi Muccitelli, right, works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Stocks have mostly moved sideways since the middle of March with signs of slowing growth and concerns about the outlook for Europe checking investors' confidence.

Richard Drew/AP/File


Materials and energy companies led the stock market higher Tuesday, sending the Dow Jones industrial average to its second all-time high in a week.

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The Dow closed at 14,673.46, a gain of 59.98 points, or 0.4 percent. The Standard & Poor's 500 index also rose 0.4 percent, closing less than two points below its own all-time high set April 2.

The prices of metals like copper, gold and silver have rebounded this week after slumping for the first three months of the year on waning demand. Oil is also rising following a sharp decline last week.

"You're seeing some pretty decent action in the overall market, with today's leadership coming from the basic materials sector," said Robert Pavlik, chief market strategist at Banyan Partners. "It's an area of the market that does represent some value because it's underperformed."

The rally in basic materials such as precious metals was caused by a weakening of the dollar against other currencies, HSBC analyst Howard Wen said. Commodities are typically priced in dollars and a decline in the currency allows overseas buyers to purchase materials at lower prices.

Materials companies were the biggest gainers of the 10 industry groups in the S&P 500, rising 1.1 percent. Energy companies posted the second best return, advancing 0.8 percent. Those two groups have been among the weakest in the market this year.

On Tuesday the S&P 500 rose 5.54 points to 1,568.61. The index closed at a record high of 1,570.25 on April 2. The Nasdaq composite gained 15.61 points, or 0.5 percent, to 3,237.86.

The gains suggested that the Dow and S&P 500 may be poised to break out of a trading pattern they've followed for the last three weeks.

Stocks have mostly moved sideways since the middle of March. The Dow has alternated between small gains and losses after starting the year on a tear. Signs of slowing growth and concerns about the outlook for Europe had checked investors' confidence.

As companies report results this week, investors will be looking to see whether they are feeling any impact from government spending cuts that kicked in recently, said Jim Russell, investment director at U.S. Bank. They will also want to know what effect there will might from the ongoing debt crisis in Europe.

Alcoa, traditionally the first company in the Dow to report results, was flat at $8.39 after the company posted its earnings late Monday. Online auto retailer CarMax, home goods retailer Bed Bath & Beyond and the banks Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase report later this week.

"The market is looking for companies to fill in those blanks," said Russell.

Cliff's Natural Resources, an iron ore mining company, rose $1.66, or 8.8 percent, to $20.45. The company's stock is still down 47 percent this year. Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, another mining company, was up $1.34, or 4.1 percent, at $33.76.

First Solar soared after the solar panel maker issued a better-than-expected forecast for its 2013 results and solid predictions for the following two years, helped by continued growth in shipments. The stock price rose $12.31, or 46 percent, to $39.35.

Small company stocks lagged the market. The Russell 2000 index two points, or 0.2 percent, to 929.34. The index has slumped this month after rising 12 percent in the first quarter and performing better than both the Dow and S&P 500.

While stocks are struggling to extend their gains from the start of the year, bonds have rallied.

The yield on the 10-year Treasury note was unchanged at 1.75 percent Tuesday. However, the benchmark rate has fallen from a high of 2.06 percent reached March 11 as demand for low-risk assets increases.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/_dfFe0Wum7E/Stocks-rise-Dow-hits-another-record

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iPhone maker Hon Hai sees sudden 19 percent sales drop in 2013 Q1

Reuters is reporting that Hon Hai, the manufacturer that everyone else knows as Foxconn Technology, saw its sales tumble in the first quarter of this year. In the post-Christmas season, the iPhone maker brought in $26.9 billion -- a fall of 19 percent compared to the same quarter last year. It's a strange turn of events, seeing as 2012 turned out to be a record year for the company, but Reuters interprets the figures as being a symptom of a drop in demand for the Apple products that Hon Hai builds and is largely dependent on -- an issue that has been brewing for a while now.

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Source: Reuters

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Affymetrix expects 1Q revenue below Street's view

SANTA CLARA, Calif. (AP) -- The genetic testing instrument business Affymetrix Inc. expects first-quarter revenue below Wall Street expectations.

The Santa Clara, Calif., company said Tuesday it expects total revenue of about $78 million for the quarter that ended March 31. That includes about $19 million from its eBioscience segment. Affymetrix will report full results April 30 after markets close.

Analysts expect, on average, revenue of $83.3 million, according to FactSet.

The company also said Tuesday it expects to report cash on hand of at least $38 million as of March 31.

Affymetrix technology helps analyze biological systems at the cell, protein and gene levels. For instance, it provides kits for molecular biology applications like DNA sequencing and protein analysis.

Its shares finished at $4.66 on Monday. They have traded in a 52-week range of $2.96 to $5.50.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/affymetrix-expects-1q-revenue-below-113446579.html

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