বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৩ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Suggestion On Voip Phones - Elastix Forums :: Open Source Unified ...

Finanly after 1 year of Convincing. We are now buying a new set of IP Phones.

Now I have come to the community to help me get insights and suggestions on what to buy. The pilot purchase would be just 10 phones. But would ramp up to around 60 phones.

Basically I want to get a good Phone with emphasis on the following.

1. Voice Quality both receiving and transmitting. This would account for Handset quality and chipset used with DSP. Would probably good to note Network Card/Port quality. This is the most important since we will be calling international.

2. Multi-line would be good minimum of 2 lines

3. Bridge port for PC connection.

4. Speaker Phone.

5. LCD Display (this dont need to be fancy just good enough to see what your dialing and probably the IP address of the phone.

6. Gain Controls.

7. SIP Protocol with basic codecs.

The most important would be it should be under $100. Ill also be searching google and add to this thread and see if the community have any experience with them. If the Community have any phones they prefer just post and state the reasons why.

Source: http://www.elastix.org/index.php/en/component/kunena/25-newbies-corner-/109130-suggestion-on-voip-phones.html

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