বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৮ মার্চ, ২০১৩

Prospects of Music Collaboration

Music is considered as one of the finest of the art forms existing in the world today. In the modern world, music is considered to be a part of the entertainment industry. The commercialization of music has paved way to production of some wonderful music which is pleasant for the ears to hear. The music industry has grown leaps and bounds over the last two decades. Today there are so many variations and assortment in music across the world. Rock, metal, jazz, classical etc are few of the different types of genres in music. In certain countries, music is evolved into different formats right from the culture and tradition that is followed in the country. For example carnatic music is a different form of music evolved from the era of the kings of the southern part of India. Like this different countries have their own classical and folk music which enriches their tradition across the world,

The most striking feature of different forms of music is the rhythm and flow of musical notes in each of them. Music was a very costly product in the olden days as there was no digital technology those days. Due to the popularity and convenience of the digital technology, music today is not at all a costly affair. Downloading and listening to albums and songs have become a day to day affair to most of the people living in the urban and even a majority of them in the rural. All that we need today is a device which is capable of storing and playing the music file. Any album from the past or which was released recently can be easily downloaded from the internet and can be stored in devices which we like. Mobile phones, tablet computers, laptop and even modern day digital watches have the functionality of playing music in them.

This trend has off late become a curse for the industry. People are not at all excited with the contemporary forms of music. They are thriving for a refreshing change. Sensing this need various new forms of music came into existence. Music collaboration is one such form of music in which two different types of music are mixed together to produce a different form. It was widely accepted all round the world, especially from the last couple of decades. Musical bands across the world researched and found new types of music. Musicians famous in their form of music combined with others who were successful in some other form and gave rise to new albums which went on to become a rage among the public .Songs from the olden days were mixed with different genre of music to add spice and give life to them according to the taste of the current generation. Due to this people who loved the olden day music and those who are modern age music lovers, both had enough reasons to enjoy the music. This is popularly called as remix of a song or album, and this has been a very successful one. Collaboration of different types of music gave a refreshing change to the ears of the listeners. With technology developing into new frontiers, collaboration of different forms of music is here to stay for a long time.

Source: http://www.artipot.com/articles/1543462/prospects-of-music-collaboration.htm

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