মঙ্গলবার, ১১ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Crashing Through the Multiverse Part Two

(I have not idea what this title means but it seemed more interesting then just "hi". I had one post that got eaten, this is my second try.)

1) What's your username? Koji is my last name, that I kind of invented for myself than used so much that I just had it become my real name. It is Romanian.

2) How'd you find this place? Google? Why'd you look it up on Google or whatever? I had a dream about it....not just kidding. It was Google. I just really missed being a player in a game.

3) How long have you roleplayed on forums or chat? On what sites? Did you start with tabletop games or such? I started LARPing in highschool and running really bad In Nomine tabletop games. So I guess it has been nearly 16 years now. I started roleplaying online around that time.

4) In coming to RPG, what've you been looking for specifically? A new home for roleplay? Better roleplay? I am looking to be a player in good, interesting roleplays. Currently in my roleplaying group of friends I am the only GM so I end up running games all the time. I miss not being in charge.

5) What kinds of roleplay are you interested in? Fantasy? Sci-fi? When it comes to the type of roleplaying I like, its leass about the setting and more about function. I mean I love certain settings like Post Apoc, Steampunk and High Fantasy but really what I love is story focused games that have detailed worlds and great characters. I don't want a lot of over the top crazy action because I did that for years in college. I don't want any god like character that just beat up monsters. I want grit, and flaws mixed with a little bit of madness and beuty

6) What're your hobbies? Do you collect rocks or mount insects? I am a writer. I love LEGO still and thankfully have kids not so I can keep buying them...you know "for the kids"

7) What's something you're good at besides writing? I do community theater and think I am getting pretty darn good at being a director and actor. I also am good at my job. I do community outreach with teens.

Thats me I guess.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/x-QJqFOIzPw/viewtopic.php

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