শনিবার, ১৭ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Bobby Brown pleads not guilty to DUI in LA

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? A lawyer for Bobby Brown has entered not guilty pleas to drunken driving and other charges faced by the R&B singer after his arrest last month in Los Angeles.

City attorney's spokesman Frank Mateljan (mah-TEHL'-jin) says the pleas were entered Friday. Brown's case is scheduled for its next hearing on Dec. 13.

Brown was arrested in October on suspicion of driving while under the influence. It was his second arrest for DUI this year in Los Angeles.

He also faces charges he was driving on a suspended license and did not have an ignition locking device on his car, as required from a previous case.

Brown pleaded no contest to drunken driving in April and entered rehab in August.

The 43-year-old is the former husband of Whitney Houston.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/bobby-brown-pleads-not-guilty-dui-la-173413386.html

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