সোমবার, ৪ মার্চ, ২০১৩

Coach Students: Public Speaking, Oratory, Extemp, Congress | Hug ...

Most of my days are spent with business people, communicating business messages, solving business problems.

But when the work day is over,?the weekend comes, or sometimes even during an off period, I squeeze in coaching sessions with high school students committed to developing public speaking skills. In the summer I block off a few weeks to offer student workshops dedicated to presentation, research, critical thinking, and argumentation skills.

Admittedly, this practice can cause confusion for my grown-up clients. At first glance, the marketing and business consulting services?HugSpeak provides?don?t appear to align with coaching students. Upon closer examination, though,?student speakers have to address many of the?same key questions as professionals?and businesses that seek to communicate with target audiences and markets effectively:

And, like many of my grown-up public speaking clients, students need to be encouraged and empowered to find their own voice, conquer their fears, and speak up!

Equpping students with public speaking skills instills a confidence that spills over into every aspect of their lives. They tend to write more clearly, achieve more academically, present themselves more professionally, and involve themselves more in community. They learn to manage stress and anxiety, see a project through from start to finish, and to critique and defend positions in a civil and engaging way.

I have seen students conquer paralyzing fears, work around speech impediments, build friendships with opponents, take a stand, change their minds, maintain composure in the face of heart-wrenching grief, and boldly own who they are and what they have to say.

They become leaders.

At HugSpeak we recognize that every client is unique. Every client has their own story and their own way of adding value to the world.

Our student clients are unique, too, with amazing stories to tell and incredible value to add. This month we?re giving them a platform to share how public speaking coaching, skills, and competitions have impacted their lives and the lives of others.

Perhaps you?ll see yourself in some of their stories. Maybe you struggle with some of the same issues they have overcome. Maybe you have the same desire to advocate for a cause you believe in. Maybe you just want to become more confident and not worry about every presentation or speech you have to give.

If you have any reaction at all, please leave a comment on their story. They will greatly appreciate feedback.

And, if you, or someone you know, wants to develop public speaking skills, confidence, and leadership abilities, give HugSpeak a try. We?ll encourage, empower, and equip you to speak up!

Public Speaking Coaching Button Why I Coach Students   Public Speaking Skills are Life Skills




Do you work with students? Did you have a memorable teacher or coach who helped encourage, empower, and equip you for success later in life? Share your stories in the comments section below!

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Source: http://www.hugspeak.com/blog/public-speaking-coach-students-oratory-extemp-congress-speech-coaching/

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