রবিবার, ৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

if you leave a company and have money in a 401k ... - Roth IRA News

Your human resources dept. should have a form to request the withdrawl. Usually there is a portion of the form that they have to complete as well. If you do not want to deal with your former company, contact the investment firm and they can send the form to you. Some even have that option right on line.

You should receive 100% of your invested money (+ or ? gains/losses). All companies have policy on when you become 100% vested in the money that they contributed to your account example (2 years = 5%) so check your paperwork to see if you entitled to any of their investment portions.

20 percent will be deducted as a penalty from the IRS and 10 percent for taxes will be taken too. This can have a real effect on you at tax time. The best option is to do a ?rollover? rather then a withdrawl. I have what are called ?IRA CD?s? at my credit union for just these occasions! Look into options for this money if you can.

Source: http://rothira.solve-up.com/roth-ira/if-you-leave-a-company-and-have-money-in-a-401k-how-do-you-go-about-getting-it/

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