বৃহস্পতিবার, ৬ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

ViSalus' Body by Vi 90-Day Challenge is Taking North America by ...

ViSalus? Body by Vi 90-Day Challenge is taking North America by storm, with more than 3,000 people a day making the commitment to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals.

Every January, millions of people make the same New Year?s resolutions: Lose weight, get fit, and feel healthier. Are you one of them? If so, your timing couldn?t be any better! With numbers expected to soar by 2013, there are already more than 3,000 people every day across North America joining the Body by Vi 90-Day Challenge, and loving it! The Body by Vi Challenge is a health and fitness platform that helps people achieve their weight-loss and fitness goals with unprecedented success, especially at a time when obesity rates have reached alarming levels.

In January 2010, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released data that indicates nearly 34 percent of American adults are obese, more than double the percentage 30 years ago. and a whopping 68 percent of American adults are overweight.

With stats like this to combat, it?s no wonder people are responding so favorably to a Challenge that?s simple, affordable and fun! Brought to you by ViSalus, the Body by Vi 90-Day Challenge puts the powerful nutrition of ViSalus? premium products into convenient Challenge Kits to help anybody lose weight, get in shape and achieve their fitness goals.
In fact, the Challenge has become so popular that it?s regarded as one of the fastest-growing personal health platforms in the nation.

What is the Body by Vi 90-Day Challenge and why is it so effective?

The Body by Vi 90-Day Challenge is a movement ? a health and fitness movement. It all starts with a simple goal ? nothing complicated, just a personal goal set for you, by you! It?s not another trend or miracle diet, but a revolutionary way to transform your body and have fun at the same time, in as little as 90 days!
?The Challenge is designed for people who want to lose weight or get fit, so it?s really for just about everybody,? says ViSalus Vice President of Marketing Audrey Sommerfeld. ?Plus, it?s an incredible opportunity to kick off the new year with friends!?

The Challenge is built on nutrition that helps you burn fat, boost metabolism and control hunger. With five unique Challenge Kits to choose from ? each with specific benefits to support your goal ? your road to personal victory is as simple as choosing a Kit.

5 Body By Vi Challenge Kits , One to Fit YOUR 90 Day Goal

?With Challenge Kits to meet any goal, anybody can have success with the Body by Vi Challenge,? says ViSalus Director of Sales and Program Management John Laun.
It?s a brand-new year ? think about what you?d like to accomplish in the next 90 days. Whether you want to lose weight for your wedding, bulk up to impress at the beach, or get cardio-fit for a marathon, there?s a perfect Kit for every lifestyle.
?We challenge people to make their health a priority for 90 days at a time,?says ViSalus Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer Blake Mallen. ?For most people in our country, it is a weight-loss goal. But that?s not everybody. For instance, my first Challenge was to complete a triathlon. It?s about setting a goal and then once you accomplish it, you go after another 90-Day Challenge.?
ViSalus Founder and Chief Executive Officer Ryan Blair agrees that it?s not just about the first 90 days, but rather 90 days at a time.
?We have people who are on their second, third, fourth Challenges now and they?ve had total body transformations,? Blair says. ?They?ve lost weight and now they?ve moved on to a fitness Challenge. And we have a Kit for every step on that journey.?
The Body by Vi 90-Day Challenge works for three reasons: It?s simple, it?s affordable and it?s FUN!
?The Challenge is simple because it?s based on drinking shakes,? Mallen says. ?Drink one or two shakes a day, eat a healthy third day and eat healthy snacks in between. That?s something that the average person can do. Usually, after a week or two, they start to see results. And the more results people see, the more excited they are to sick with their Challenge.?
Body by Vi 90-Day Challenge Champion Theresa Granmoe from Colorado agrees, saying that the Challenge is both easy to follow and cost-effective. ?I used the Transformation Kit for my success and I start each day with my shake,? says Granmoe, who has lost 103 pounds on the Body by Vi Challenge. ?The products give me so much energy. I have no completed my second half-marathon and look forward to completing a 150-mile bike ride. ViSalus gave me my life back!?
Being able to replace one or two meals a day with a delicious and nutritious Vi-Shape shake doesn?t just make sense for your health, but for your wallet too, as Ryan Blair points out. ?It?s expensive to follow meal plans that include healthy and organic foods,? Blair says. ?The average person doesn?t have the time or the money to do that. A shake is less than a couple of dollars per meal and it?s a transfer spend, meaning you?re using the money you would normally spend on groceries. Instead of spending more money on unhealthy options, you can spend less money on healthier options.?
It?s simple, it saves you money and it?s fun, too? ?That?s the key,? says ViSalus Co-Founder, and now Global Ambassador promoting the Challenge, Nick Sarnicola. ?People on the Body by Vi Challenge are high-energy and fun. People like to be around fun people, and we have created a supportive and welcoming community. Come on out to any neighborhood Challenge Party and you?ll see what I mean.?
Having such wide-ranging support definitely fuels the fun, according to Mallen. ?People enjoy feeling like they are a part of something bigger than themselves. There is a full support community wrapped around everybody on the Challenge so nobody feels like they have to go it alone.?

The community aspect is also making it easier than ever to join the Challenge with friends, which can even get you your Challenge Kit for FREE month after month. It?s a lot more fun to join a Challenge with your friends. With the Refer 3, Get Your Next Month Free program, all you have to do is help three people join the Body by Vi 90-Day Challenge with a Kit of equal or greater value to your own. If you do this, you?ll get your next Kit FREE.
When you complete your Challenge, you?ve accomplished something special, no matter how large or small your goal. But for those serious about winning, ViSalus has put some incredible prizes on the table. At ViSalus National Events, Body by Vi Champions are registered for the most impressive transformations, and rewarded with the Hollywood Transformation Vacation. These lavish trips range from cruises and getaways to full head-to-toe spa makeovers, new wardrobes, photo shoots, luxury boxes for the NBA Playoffs, concerts, private jets, Vegas nights, and more!
?Our Champions are the stars of the Challenge, and we go out of our way to treat them like it,? Laun says. ?It?s a blast to see them step out of a limo in Hollywood with people stopping on the Walk of Fame to see who they are, camera crews following, flashbulbs going off. They get the star experience and they go home feeling like celebrities.?
Winners are crowned in six categories ? Male, Female, Couple, Team, Family and even a winner selected via drawing from all entries. Champions receive a $25,000 personal branding package, shopping sprees and more in addition to their trip, and finalists win some awesome prizes, too!
On top of all of that, every single person who completes a Challenge wins a prize tied to that Challenge?s theme, so the more Challenge you complete and enter, the more rewards you can ultimately collect!

Add it all up, and count the tens of thousands of people who get their Challenge Kits for free each month, and ViSalus is giving away more than $25 million in free product, prizes and vacations every year through the Body by Vi Challenge!

With so many ways to win, it?s no wonder the Challenge is skyrocketing across North America as people search for a convenient, cost-effective and simple way to get their health and weight under control.

?Within six months of launching the Challenge, there were 100 people a day joining the Challenge ? and we were extremely excited by that number,? Blair says. ?We?re now attracting more than 3,000 new people per day who are joining the Challenge. The more successful it gets, the faster it grows. And the faster it grows, the healthier people are getting every day in this country!?
Mallen shares impressive growth metrics. ?Last year we grew an average of 15 percent month over month for the entire year,? he says. ?This year, that number continues to grow, and in 2012 we expect over 1 million people to join the Challenge!?

As Americans keep getting heavier, the opportunities for growth will continue to multiply for ViSalus.

?By the year 2015, 74 percent of Americans are projected to be overweight,? Sommerfeld says. ?That?s an increase from the 67 percent today. By the year 2015, one out of every two people in the world will be overweight or obese. It?s a growing epidemic, so from a business point of view, we know there is a lot of opportunity for us to make people healthier.?
?The Body by Vi 90-Day Challenge will be the number one health transformation challenge in the world,? Mallen says. ?That?s the goal. When someone thinks about a 90-day challenge, they?ll think about Body by Vi, just like when someone thinks about an MP3 player they think of an iPod. We are committed to becoming the number one 90-day Challenge worldwide.?

By Brittany Glenn

Source: http://my-body-by-vi.com/visalus-body-by-vi-90-day-challenge/visalus-body-by-vi-90-day-challenge-is-taking-north-america-by-storm-more-than-3000-people-a-day-join-the-challenge-to-lose-weight-or-get-fit/

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