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MAKE | How-To: Kids Crafting Station

By Haley Pierson-Cox, 2013/01/10 @ 7:00 am


Make a dream crafting nook for your little creatives with this kids crafting station from Handmade Charlotte!

I?m cur?rently in the process of set?ting up a new craft stu?dio to cor?ral all of the projects that have slowly begun to take over our house. The inten?tion was to cre?ate a space for ?mommy?s projects,? but it quickly caught the inter?est of my lit?tle ones. What could be cooler than a room filled with art supplies?

It quickly became clear that keep?ing the kids out of mommy?s craft sup?plies would require set?ting them up with a few of their own. I decided to set up a space for the kids in the stu?dio and then headed off to the the start?ing point for all projects of this nature, Home Depot.

The best part? The whole thing comes together for less than $50.00

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Source: http://blog.makezine.com/craft/how-to-kids-crafting-station/

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