মঙ্গলবার, ১৫ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Mourinho on his way? Real Madrid coach declines extending home rental option

Jose Mourinho is ready to leave Real Madrid this year.

Punto Pelota says Mourinho has decided not to renew the rental option on his current Madrid home, where he and his family have lived for the past three years.

Only yesterday, he again touted himself to English clubs, with Arsenal, Chelsea, Manchester City and Manchester United all interested.

France's PSG are also monitoring developments.

Source: http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/399/f/607843/p/1/s/36c26a6b/l/0L0Stribalfootball0N0Carticles0Cmourinho0Ehis0Eway0Ereal0Emadrid0Ecoach0Edeclines0Eextending0Ehome0Erental0Eoption0E3750A7910Dutm0Isource0Fmain0Ifeed/story01.htm

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