শুক্রবার, ৪ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

The launch of EnMast -- an online small business community | EnMast

? a dwarf standing on the shoulders of a giant may see farther than a giant himself.? ~ Robert Burton, in The Anatomy of Melancholy (1621)

launchToday, we (finally) launched our membership area at EnMast. This isn?t an achievement on par with free falling from space, but it?s a big deal for us. This was my first foray into e-commmerce and to say it was a rough start is a major understatement. We?ve been working on this site for the last two years to get it to this point. No, not full-time. I have another business that is my primary focus, but suffice it to say it?s been a lot of work. For me, this launch is a big milestone.

But as I reflect on what it has taken to get here I realize that there is no way that I could have gotten here on my own. I have my team members Bridget Ingebrigtsen?and Devan Perine who have rewritten my words, fixed my mistakes and put in hundreds of hours in building the site. There?s Debbie Saro, Terry Green?and the team at BizEase ? people whom I?ve never met in person yet they have done terrific work making WordPress sing and bringing the site to life. Kris Bates and the whole BatesMeron team did the design and the original programming ? you guys make me look good!

But if I?m really honest, there are so many more people who?s work and ideas have contributed to getting me to this point. I have a terrific community of Internet marketers and online experts that I have learned from over and over again. Andy Crestodina and the whole crew at Orbit Media Studios, Gini Dietrich, Mana Ionescu, Jeannie Walters and my whole Vistage group have all been generous with their ideas, feedback, advice and general awesomeness. There is no way I would have gotten here without them (and many others).

Still further, WordPress and the Copyblogger tools are essential to making this site possible. Matt Mullenweg, Brian Clark?and hundreds of open source contributors created fabulous flexible software that enabled me, a business guy, to build an e-commerce site. But really, if I sit and think about all the software, hardware and other tools I use to do my work every day ? that make my work possible ? there are hundreds (likely thousands) of people who make this happen.

I?m not trying to give the online equivalent to an Oscar speech. I?m just pausing to recognize that no man is an island; there are no solo achievements. If EnMast goes on to serve 100 business owners or 10,000 will largely be out of my hands. You ? the audience, the Internet, the participants ? will determine that by learning, commenting and sharing what you learn. That is what will make EnMast a success.

So thank you, all of you! I look forward to seeing where all of this goes!

Source: http://enmast.com/2013/01/no-one-goes-it-alone/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=no-one-goes-it-alone

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