বুধবার, ২০ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Facebook Likes Ireland. Hires 100 More Staff in Dublin

Facebook is to add 100 new posts to the the 400 it already has at its international headquarters in Dublin, Ireland. The news comes a few days after eBay announced it would be hiring 450 more workers in County Louth. Last year eBay said it would be employing an extra 1,000 staff in Ireland over the next four years.

The Irish Times reports that Facebook said the availability of tech talent in Ireland was partly behind the decision to expand.

?These jobs, which reflect growth in markets across Europe but also the Middle East and Africa, mean we will not only be recruiting from the local economy but supporting local businesses by increasing our footprint,? said Gareth Lambe, the acting head of office for Facebook Ireland?

The social network, which was founded in 2004, came to Ireland in 2009. Its Irish?based staff are involved in a broad range of tasks for the business, from user operations, policy and safety to advertising and sales.

The Irish office is responsible for users of the site outside of the US, and Facebook is subject to Irish data protection and privacy laws as a result.

The Irish Times: Facebook to hire 100 Dublin staff

Source: http://blogs.wsj.com/tech-europe/2013/02/19/facebook-likes-ireland-hires-100-more-staff-in-dublin/?mod=WSJBlog

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