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VSEO and Your Brand | VSEO | SearchPro Systems : Search Pro ...

SearchPro Systems, a leader in VSEO techniques, can improve your company's online presence

When it comes to posting videos online there?s more to the process than just posting the video if you want it to get noticed. A video?s impact will be different if?you?ve?incorporated video search engine optimization or VSEO with it. By taking the right steps you can maximize your VSEO and your video will get more views and your overall brand will improve.


Your company may have keywords ready to go when you add VSEO to your established SEO campaign. If not though, you?ll need to take some time and research the keywords that people are looking for. You?re looking for keywords that are searched for in a high volume and are relevant to your brand. After you find the keywords you want, you can put them in the description of the video as well.

Another key thing to do is to create a video site map after a video is completed and submit it to search engines to help them index the content within the video which will help you move up in the rankings. Use these keywords in the title of the video and tag your videos with them also.

Measuring Success

You create engaging content but you don?t know how well it?s working for your SEO count. Your video may have a thousand hits, but is it really helping your VSEO strategy? The key to a successful VSEO campaign is the amount of times your video is shared across multiple channels. This will help you maximize your play count and increase your presence online which will give you more social credibility to search engines.

Embracing social media channels to share your video will help too. Your video will need to be able to play in multiple formats and to different kinds of people.

Engage your Audience

A way to increase your video?s search ranking is to ask your audience to comment, like and rate your video. You can?t just assume they?ll do it themselves; you have to ask them and be clear about it in your description. The higher rating your video has, the more likely it is to get viewed, commented on and shared. Search engines will see all the social activity that your video is getting and rate it higher because of it.

The Importance of Embedding

Of course you?re going to embed a video onto your site, but what about other people?s sites? Make sure you allow users to embed your videos on their sites and then track how many times your videos get embedded. The more times your video is embedded the more search engines will rank it as its influence grows.

As you can see, VSEO can play a very important part to your brand strategy and?shouldn?t?be overlooked. It is a tool to share you content, engage your audience, and build your brand better than your competition.

Source: http://www.searchprosystems.com/vseo-and-your-brand

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