শনিবার, ১৬ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Oh, Twitter: Rep. Steve Cohen Reveals Bikini Model Victoria Brink Is His Daughter, Not His Girlfriend

2:23 pm ET February 15, 2013

It?s the Twitter scandal that almost was, when 63-year-old Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) was caught in the act tweeting seemingly flirtatious messages at the beautiful, 24-year-old bikini model Victoria Brink.

The first Tweet sent by Cohen and picked up by the media occurred during the Sate of the Union, and read: ?pleased u r watching. ilu.? Okay. That was then followed by a second tweet: ?nice to know you were watchin SOTU (State of the Union). Happy Valentines beautiful girl. ilu.?

?Hmmm,? said the media.

The tweets were meant to be private, so of course Rep. Cohen quickly deleted the messages but it was nonetheless too late. The media scrambled, found out who Brink was, and went public with the ?story.? Or at least, what they thought was the story.

It was then, however, that Cohen dropped the bombshell that Brink wasn?t an online gf, but rather his long lost daughter. Cohen contends that he found out about his paternity three years ago when he Googled a long-lost girlfriend, saw Brink as her daughter, and did some quick math.

Get more details on this bizarre Twitter-gate almost-scandal, below:

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/FoxNewsInsider/~3/Xuz4odeyMGI/

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