বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৮ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Announcing the launch of Amy Rubenstein / real estate & interiors ...


I adored working with my latest client Amy. When she approached me, she was looking for a way to create a brand that could combine her 2 specialties, real estate sales and interior design in one place.

We began with an inspiration board that reflected her style and love of color!

Our next step was the logo. I really felt the use of an illustration reflecting her personality would really help to pull together the look and feel of her brand. It took a few tries but I just love the end result!



The final step is the development of the site. I love so many things about this site?the fun colors, the slider, bold images in the sidebar that directs you to the different offerings. Amy is in love with her new website and frankly, I am too! Click here to visit her new site!

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Source: http://happygirldesign.com/announcing-the-launch-of-amy-rubenstein-real-estate-interiors/

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