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Video: Nick Offerman reveals ?Parks and Rec? love interest

>> happening in your neck of the woods.

>> and that's your latest weather.

>> all right, al. thanks. we want to bring back nick offerman and his famous mustache. "parks and rec" now in the fifth season. good morning to both.

>> thank you. good morning.

>> we love that show around here. i have to say, are you now at the point you get renewed for the season, there's no trepidation, will we or won't we?

>> i don't know, i think network tv is in a precarious position and we can no longer tell if the numbers from the nielsen ratings are indicative of what's going on because so many of the young smart people are watching it online. and so there's always -- there's always, we never feel really comfortable. we're always really relieved like, whew.

>> now you're in the fifth season, you get a little love interest here with lucy lawlis? wow.

>> tell us about that.

>> what's up with that?

>> it's -- i've never in 20 years of a professional acting such a champion of a lady in front of me. i've played her plumber and her bus driver, but i've never played the guy with her.

>> can a romantic comedy be far behind at this point?

>> gosh, i don't know. that seems like a stretch to me, you never know.

>> i understand your ex-wife tammy 2 back on the scene played by your own wife megan malali, how is that going to work.

>> it's going to be very interesting that tammy 2 is quite a monster and she's gotten wind of ron's new love interest . some havoc will be wreaked.

>> and you and your wife are doing all kinds of projects together.

>> we are. we have so much fun. we get to work on films together. we have one opening on the 12th called "smashed," which is really good. and she has a new band called nancy and beth. and they've been opening for a live show i do. and we have so much fun getting to play together.

>> cool.

>> it's a blessing.

>> play together, stay together.

>> yes, ma'am.

>> i love it.

>> the mustache, megan, and yourself.

>> the mustache gets a little more attention than i do. it's early.

>> we're so happy to see you. thanks for hanging out with us today.

>> thanks for having me.

>> and you can catch "parks and rec" tonight 9:30/8:30 central

Source: http://video.today.msnbc.msn.com/today/49373402/

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