সোমবার, ২২ অক্টোবর, ২০১২


Werewolves are not monsters from fairytales. Most lead normal lives. They can go to school, get a job, raise a family just like any other human. But there's a catch. If they don't shift frequently, they become ravenous when the full moon is out. The wolf in them comes out, more hungry and cruel then ever. ?
They wolf gene is passed down from parents- even if just one parent is a werewolf, their child will have the same fate as them. Wolves abandoning their pack and having a child with a human is very, very rare. They are usually born into a pack. Werewolves can tell if another person is a werewolf or human, even before their first change. They usually change for the first time when they are about thirteen. Packs often have scouts that find packless werewolves that don't know who they are, and befriend them so when their first change comes, they take them to the pack and they are adopted in.?

But werewolves can also be bitten. If a human is bitten by a werewolf, they will change immediately. The first change is very long and very painful, for Changlings and natural-born werewolves. It can take anywhere from four to ten hours. If another werewolf doesn't help them through their first change, they will likely die. When a werewolf bites a human and helps them through their first change, they are bound together. They can sense each others feelings, and speak to each other telepathically. Once a werewolf bites a human, they are completely responsible for the confused and overwhelmed Changling. They have a hard time controlling changing back and forth between human and wolf, and the world is now so bright it hurts their eyes, and every noise hurts their ears. Werewolves often take their Changling away from the rest of the pack until they have fully adjusted, which can take anywhere from weeks to months.?

If a human is to bear a werewolf child, it is almost guaranteed that she will not survive the pregnancy, and she definitely will not survive the birth of her child. Human skin and systems are simply too weak. This is mainly what discourages solves from having children with humans.?
There is one way for a wolf to possibly save their mate, though. If a human is bitten while they are pregnant, their chances of survival are higher. They do not shift until after their pup is born, but they still have the strength of a werewolf.?
There's a catch. It has to be the father of her child who bites her. Is another wolf bites her, there will be no difference. But if the father of her child bites her, her eyes will flash a very wolfish yellow, just for a moment and she will quickly go from weak and fragile looking to strong and healthy.

Meet the Pack

The Brighton Pack lives deep in a forest, with a large pack house. The alpha is in bad shape, after an attack from a rival pack. His own brother's pack. See, in this pack if there are two or three brothers, they fight to see who is the strongest. The winner becomes the alpha. The current alpha and his brother were never close- constantly fighting. Not brotherly scuffles, they were going for blood even we they were young.?
The current alpha won, and his brother stormed off. He bit humans, creating his own pack. He set out to have revenge on his brother.

After a particularly brutal attack, the alpha is very badly injured. He is not expected to recover. The alpha was the only one injured, but the entire pack is now very edgy and worried about what The rival pack might do next. Especially given the fact that some of the young pack members have gotten themselves involved with humans.


The wolves

They are twins. One of them will most likely be the next alpha. They are nothing like their father and his brother. They are very close, constantly teasing each other and play fighting with each other. If either one wins, the other will happily back down and support him. They are both 19.?

Oliver Brighton?
Stubborn. He is the sensible one. Well, most of the time. When he wants something, he will throw himself entirely into it. He has amazing dedication, but doesn't back down easily. He is very intelligent, and usually is very gentle but can be very forceful. ?
FC: Finn Harries (reserved)

James Brighton?
Careless. He seems not to have a care in the world. He isn't very serious, and loves to have fun and prank his siblings.??He has a a bright, cheerful soul that is very hard to hamper. When it comes to his pack and things he really cares about, he can be very serious though.?
FC: Jack Harries?OPEN

These two are Oliver and James's younger siblings. They are rather close, and somewhat protective of each other. They fight often, but overall love each other.

Annabel Brighton?
Vain. Anna has a terrible habit of being all about appearances. She hates being ignored, and can be somewhat demanding. Deep down, she is just afraid of being forgotten. She is fiercely protective of her family, and hates 'intruders'.
FC: Clair Holt (reserved)

Nathaniel Brighton?
Player. He hates staying in one place, or with one girl. He can come off a little cold, and is an expert at keeping his emotions hidden. He is really just afraid of falling in love. Surprisingly, he is actually quite affectionate. He's 17.
FC: Caspar Lee OPEN

The humans

Eleanor Whiteraven?
Hardheaded. Ella can't stand being pushed around, or forced into things. She has learned to be very independent, and get along just fine on her own. She is very free spirited, and it's difficult to get umber her skin. But once you do, she is the most caring and loyal girl you could know. -TAKEN-

Logan Nox?
Pushover. Logan is a big softie. He has a hard time telling people no. He is very shy and kindhearted, yet protective of the ones he loves.
FC: Josh Devine OPEN

Caroline Thorn
Bitter. Caroline often is quite coldhearted and uncaring. She doesn't trust people easily at all, and has a terrible habit of using people then leaving them like they are nothing. Deep down, she's really so terrified of being hurt.
FC: Candice Accola (reserved)

Now this is where it gets. . . . complicated.?

Oliver, James, and Eleanor
Awkward. At at party they got quite drunk. Both of the boys took a liking to Ella. What happened. . . They were too drunk too remember. Eleanor moved on, thinking nothing of it until she found out she was pregnant. The worst. . . She didn't know which one the father was. The pack took her in, and the Alpha female (the twins' mother) cared for her. She is due within a week and hasn't allowed either of the twins to bite her.

Annabel and Logan
Annabel had always had a soft spot for the human. ?When thought she saw him looking at another girl, jealousy overtook her. In the heat of the moment, she bit him and brought him back to the pack house. Slowly, Logan begins to grow to care for her. (when the rp starts he's just been bitten)

Nathaniel and Caroline
At the same party that his brothers found Eleanor, Nathaniel found Caroline. He got caught up in her beauty but instead of getting her pregnant, he bit her. He quickly realized what a mistake he had made- this complete stranger was completely his responsibility. And she was not going down quietly.?The Alpha Female helps her, aswell, but overall it is his responsibility.

But, of corse, the rival pack is not going to just let them have a happy ending. The more pain they can cause, the better.


Code: Select all
[center][size=200][color=][font=]your character's name here[/font][/color][/size][/center]
[left][img]your character's picture here. Use the face claim, please[/img]
[img]your character's wolf picture here[/img][/left]


[b]Human Form[/b]

[b]Hair color[/b]:

[b]Eye color:[/b]

[b]Skin tone[/b]:



[b]Wolf form[/b]

[b]Coat color:[/b]










[b]Theme Song[/b]: [/center]

Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/RolePlayGateway

harrison barnes brett ratner stevie nicks anchorman capybara duggars peter facinelli

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