রবিবার, ১৪ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Endeavour's final miles turn into all-night affair

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? The space shuttle Endeavour is finally on the home stretch of its journey through Los Angeles streets to its retirement at a museum.

Officials are estimating that the space craft will reach the California Science Museum around 6 a.m. PDT Sunday.

It was originally expected to arrive early Saturday evening, but it hit repeated delays throughout the day.

The Endeavour was towed out of Los Angeles International Airport early Friday and by Saturday morning it was 90 minutes ahead of schedule. But accumulated hurdles and hiccups caused it to run hours behind at day's end.

The problems included longer than expected maintenance of the rig carrying the shuttle and physical obstacles within the shuttle's wingspan including light posts, building edges, and most of all trees.

The thousands of people watching along the streets remained peaceful and their mood at times seemed festive. Police report they haven't made a single arrest.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/endeavours-final-miles-turn-night-affair-072105074--finance.html

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