মঙ্গলবার, ২৩ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Frank Grillo Tests for a Role in Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Frank Grillo is aiming for a role in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and if everything works out, he may literally be taking aim at Captain America in the movie.

Grillo met with the producers on Monday to test out for a role which is rumored to be that of a supervillain by the name of Crossbones.

In the comics, Crossbones is a mercenary who throws his lot in with the Red Skull to make life difficult for Captain America. At some point in the storyline, Crossbones apparently succeeded in assassinating Captain America and set in motion the event that caused Bucky aka the Winter Soldier to become the new Captain America.

Cap's apparent death may not play out in the The Winter Soldier, but that's the significance of this Crossbones character in the Captain America universe, at least in the comics.

Below is what Grillo's tweeted after the meeting. That tweet seems to have been deleted though.

?See Ya LA. It was a a good trip. Marvel was a lot of fun. Be cool if it works out. #CaptainAmerica,?

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is shooting in March 2013 for an April 4, 2014 release.

Source: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/1926132/news/1926132/

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