বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

NFL Rumors: Could Dallas Cowboys Hire Mike Holmgren To Replace Jason Garrett As Cowboys Head Coach?

The Dallas Cowboys have been mired in mediocrity for too long. Once known as America?s Team, the Cowboys have reached the NFL Playoffs just four times since the turn of the century. They have not made it to the Super Bowl since the 1995 NFL season, and have won just one of their last seven postseason games. This cannot sit well with owner Jerry Jones.

Neither can the fact that the Cowboys are just 3-3 through the first six games of the 2012 NFL season and just 16-14 overall under current head coach, Jason Garrett.

Jones likes Garrett. He has known him for years. But this just isn?t working out for Dallas. I am not saying it is all Garrett?s fault. Not by a long shot.

Personally, I feel as if Tony Romo is one of the more overrated quarterbacks in the entire league. I would rather have several rookies or equally as many college quarterbacks who could be entering the 2013 NFL Draft. Romo has always had the talent, but his decision making skills leave a lot to be desired.

Simply put, I don?t feel as if the Cowboys will ever win with Romo as the team?s starting quarterback.

But it also doesn?t appear as if Dallas is all that close to competing for a championship under Garrett either. Jones may like him, but there is another man out there who Jones has long been enamored with and who may be interested in making a return to the coaching sidelines.

As soon as the Cleveland Browns were sold, many felt as if the end was near for team president Mike Holmgren. That still appears to be the likely scenario, and now Holmgren has said that he may want to resume his former role of head coach, even at the age of 64.

Holmgren said that he misses the ?coaching part? of the NFL, and that he almost names himself head coach when the Browns fired Eric Mangini. He didn?t think it was the right time.

But those feelings may have changed.

If Jones does fire Garrett at the end of the 2012 NFL season, especially if the Cowboys do not reach the playoffs, I would at least expect him to place a phone call to Holmgren. While Jones would conceivably consider other former big name coaches with a great winning tradition, including Bill Cowher and Jon Gruden, Holmgren would also be a candidate due to the mutual respect he and Jones have shared for over two decades.

Either way, Garrett appears to be in trouble.


Source: http://www.thepigskinreport.com/2012/10/nfl-rumors-could-dallas-cowboys-hire-mike-holmgren-to-replace-jason-garrett-as-cowboys-head-coach/

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