মঙ্গলবার, ১৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Los Bowerbanks en Germany: August

August Oh August!

We started august on a fun note. Hit the pool a couple of times, and went to the movies theater.? Then I ended up back in the hospital. This time it took more and stronger medicine in order to stop the contractions. It was a scary couple of days, that followed observation in the hospital for almost a week. Not fun! Not only was it boring but the hospital did not have AC, and well you can only imagine a fat preggo lady in those conditions. I was sent home on strict bed rest. By the time I got home, the sister from the ward had set up meals and child care for Logan. It was such a blessing. The goal was to try and keep the little one in until the end of August. About two weeks, and that is how long I had help for.? We are so lucky to have such a wonderful network while living so far from family. I also had a wonderful baby shower! So much fun, and it was a break out of jail card for me. It was nice to leave the house even if only for a couple of hours and hang out with great friends. I was looking to September each and every day.

Source: http://bowerbanks.blogspot.com/2012/10/august.html

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